Saturday, October 27, 2007


One of the best things that can happen on a shitty day is, in your downward spiral you happen across an old coping mechanism. A cd you fucking listened to like a second heartbeat once upon a (different) heart ache.. That was this afternoon and re-discovering how perfect "The unwanted sounds of" by Satisfact is.

you arrive with your perfect face
crushing my domestic space

I was thinking "Mateo you have smoked way too much weed and you think perhaps this album was written to tell the story of your life!"
and then I was thinking about cupcakes.

Today is cold and dreary. Yesterday was cold and dreary. All this with clear effects on my heart.

Monday, October 1, 2007


My new euphemism for masturbate is "SEXUALLY REFLECT".
As in, I was sexually reflecting about that time me and a certain somebody went to go look at rental houses so we could sex hard in them.